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TV Advert Goes on Air

Over the Summer we created a TV advert for Dragon Cheese, which has gone on air on ITV Wales and S4C throughout October. Together with the client South Caernarfon Creameries, we developed the concept for the advert, and brought together a crew to shoot, edit and deliver the advert to the broadcasters.

The advert focused on the fact that South Caernarfon Creameries consists of a co-operative of the farmers that supply the milk that goes into their products, and as such the advert features two famers who form part of this co-operative. We had the pleasure of filming on location at their farms, located on the stunning Llyn Peninsula in North Wales.

The advert brings together these stunning landscapes with the story of South Caernarfon Creameries and the product itself.

Dros yr haf fe wnaethom gynhyrchu hysbyseb ar gyfer Dragon Cheese, a gafodd ei ddarlledu ar ITV Cymru ac ar S4C drwy gydol mis Tachwedd. Wrth weithio a Hufenfa De Arfon fe wnaethom ddatblygu cysyniad yr hysbyseb, a threfnu criw i saethu, golygu a chyfleu’r hysbyseb i’r darlledwyr.

Mae’r hysbyseb yn ffocysu ar y ffaith fod Hufenfa De Arfon yn gwmni cydweithredol o ffermwyr sy’n cyflenwi’r llefrith sy’n creu’r cynnyrch, ac felly mae’r hysbyseb yn cyflwyno dau ffarmwr sy’n rhan o’r cwmni yma. Cawsom y fraint o ffilmio ar leoliad ar eu ffermydd, sydd wedi eu lleoli ar benrhyn prydferth Llyn yng Ngogledd Cymru.

Mae’r hysbyseb yn uno'r tirlun trawiadol gyda hanes Hufenfa De Arfon a’r cynnyrch ei hun.

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